Saturday 4 January 2014

Term 2, here I come!

Hello again! I hope you have all had a great new year!

Christmas break has gone far too fast, it does not seem a week ago that I was on my way back home for Christmas, but in reality it has been three weeks, and I'm already back at my student house waiting for the second term to start! (To my house mates, please hurry back home, its too quiet without you all here.) Since new year, I have been spending as much time with family and friends from my home town as possible as well as starting to prepare for my return to Luton. Needless to say the past few days have been busy but full of fun spending time with the people who mean the most to me. 

Since it has turned 2014, it has dawned on me how I have around 6 months left at university, which is terrifying. I've had to have a serious think about what it is I want to do after I graduate, so I have been trying to get some advice whilst at home. Also as soon as term starts back again I plan to be getting advice and help from lecturers and the career advisors at the university, it is both an exciting and terrifying time.

I am very excited for the new year at uni, you can't help but feel more motivated as soon as January the 1st comes around. I'm looking forward to trying to keep up this motivation and trying very hard to stick to my academic new years resolutions. It only encourages your motivation as well when you get back to uni and all your friends and people you know from your course are talking about how much harder they're going to work, and how much more effort they are going to put in. This term I also start new modules. In the past two years all modules have been compulsory whereas in my final year we were given a choice for four out of the seven modules. To me personally having more of a choice in the topics I study makes starting new modules much more exciting because it is more tailed to what I enjoy. 

One thing I am not excited about however is the dreaded January exams which I know a lot of uni students are nervous about. So to everyone who is sitting January exams and has deadlines coming up, I wish you the very best of luck! Next week's blog post will be about my experience of applying to university, so if you're currently applying for uni be sure to stick around and read my next post because hopefully it will be of help to you.

Thanks for reading, happy new year!
See you next week!


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